1984 Ad Analysis Essay

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You do a wonderful job here, and you write very well and show a good understanding of the appeals. You are also a strong critical thinker, all elements required for excellent writing. Well done. Please use my comments to help you to focus and develop your ideas, and revise your thesis and topic sentences.
1984, the ad that introduced apple to the world
On January 22 1984, Apple computer, Inc., which was a relatively much less known computer manufacturer than today, released a television commercial titled “1984”, homage to George Orwell’s novel of the same name. The ad was launched to market the company’s new Macintosh personal computer which is now, thanks to this advertisement
is the lead personal computer in the industry. The main synopsis of the …show more content…

And for Apple, an underdog in the industry back then, to use such a big name of a novel means that a company like this which tends to take risks in terms of their marketing strategy would surely have something new to offer its customers. Another aspect of ethos is also the big names that worked on the commercial, such as the director
Ridley Scott, who was a well-known film director at the time, the actor David Graham and the athlete Anya Major. (Wikipedia) This is especially important because if these people are so well-known, then we know that the company paid good money for these people to work on the commercial, which means that what the new product this company has to offer is not something that should go unnoticed and that this product they are

advertising is very unique for these prominent figures to put their names on the line. All of these elements help strengthen the audiences’ belief in the credibility of this product.
Along with ethos, comes an integral part in any advertisement which is called pathos, or the appeal of one’s emotional side and it is highly effective if it can trigger an emotional response in the viewer. First of all, we can’t help but notice the absence of