1984 By George Orwell

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"Big Brother is Watching You" a very common phrase in the book 1984 written by George Orwell. My senior year of high school I was introduced to this book and asked to see the relationship it has on our socitey today. The book being one of a few that i actually read all the way through really opened my eyes. The popular debate on wether or not American lives private thoughts and desisions, and personal data be subject to the scrutiny of others, really reminds me of things that schocked me in Orwell's book 1984. I do not agree with what had occured in the book and think that our country should do such a courput thing. With the vast technology advancements our world has been experiencing the privacy of others has come to be a big problem. Paris Hilton for instense was deprived of her freedom when a hacker made her a bit more famous when a sex tape was relweased. “It’s one thing to have people looking at your sex tapes, but having people reading your personal e-mails is a real invasion of privacy," a statement in “Some Sympathy for Paris Hilton.” That statements shows the …show more content…

Libraries, and Internet service providers already distrubite information about citizens to the F.B.I, which can lead to some negative things like in the article by Heather Thomas. “Security Breach at LexisNesis Now Appears Larger" talks about the envasion of citizens and how important private informaiton had been leaked out, such as social security numbers. Already with the help of the F.B.I and different hackers the lives of American citizens is not very private. “For so long we’ve depended on companies like LexisNexis, and the government, to secure our information,” Mr. Gatewood said in Thomas' article, we are not as secure as we thought and companies like LExisNexis and the goverment are not as secure as anything eles that claims security out