
1984 Essay Technology

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1984 Essay
A novel called 1984 by George Orwell has shown a world filled with darkness and is ran by hate and its people are under a constant watch from telescreens that can’t be turned off. The topic that I am covering is the general question, which asks if our technology is taking us closer to the world in 1984. In my opinion, I think this is true because we are constantly being watched. Either by the trackers in our pockets (smartphones) or the increase of surveillance. I will discuss how life was in 1984, how our world is getting closer to that of 1984, how we can avoid this from happening, and lastly how our world and George Orwell’s 1984 world differ from one another.
In George Orwell’s 1984 the world is ran by powerful governments; Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. These …show more content…

In general the people who are under the government are deprived of their freedom to think or to do anything else that their government doesn’t seem fit.
In today’s world technology has been increasing in people’s everyday lives and in some cases dictate how they live. In an article named “Long Beach Police to Use 400 Cameras
Citywide to Fight Crime” states how Police Chief Jim McDonnell will use privately owned cameras to watch the city and lower crime. This means that if you own a private security system the most likely the police will be able to tap into that feed and see whatever that camera sees without you even knowing. According to the U.N from the estimated 7 billion people in the world, 6 billion have mobile phones which is about 85% of the total population. This is important to know because an article called “That’s No Phone. That’s My Tracker” by Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopaian states that phones allow anyone to know where we are at and our destination. This is similar to that of the telescreens in the novel that always watched the people of Oceania and heard everything. Moreover the article adds that “cell phone

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