1984 George Orwell Analysis

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Neil Postman argues that Aldous Huxley’s vison of the future, as written in Huxley’s novel Brave New World (1932) is more relevant in society today than George Orwell’s vision in his novel 1984 (1948). Orwell believed we would become an oppressed society, not of our own choosing, while Huxley believed as a society we would create our own downfall. Postman’s assertion is true. As an American society, in our near constant search for easier, faster, and better, we are creating our own oppression. Orwell believed there would be a ban on books, Huxley believed no one would want to read a book. Reading for pleasure used to be favorite pastime, the feel of the book, the smell of the paper, becoming the main character, feeling her turmoil, pain,