20 Percent Of Youth Ages 11-18 Have Been A Victim Of Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying “20 percent of youth ages 11-18 have been a victim of cyberbullying.” That might seem like a small percentage, but the percentage includes a lot of young people. These victims of cyberbullying are being bullied over email, text, and social media. This information tells that cyberbullying is a major problem in today's youth, but someone should not be criminally prosecuted for cyberbullying. In order to find other solutions to help stop cyberbullying without prosecuting offenders, people must understand what cyberbullying is. In the article The Dangers of Cyberbullying, the text states “...to be defined as cyberbullying, it must be repeated, hostile, and sever with the intent to embarrass, threaten, or harass.” This source explains what cyberbullying is, and how it may intend to harm a victim of cyberbullying. Source three Fact Sheet says “Cyberbullying includes: writing hurtful statements on social media website, forwarding rumors and gossip through text message or email, and any time technology is used to harm another person.” This source did give some other …show more content…

The first source “by passing the Prevention Act, we’re deterring people from engaging in cyberbullying by showing that such behavior is a punishable crime that won’t be tolerated.” This source says that prosecution is the answer to stopping cyber bullying, but I can infer that the fear of being prosecuted is really what is going to influence people not to cyberbully. The second source Sacrificing the First Amendment to Catch “cyberbullies” states”The real solution to cyberbullying isn’t criminal prosecution, it’s educational and selective participation. Children should be educated to manage and avoid offensive situations on the internet.”This source says that all youth should be educated on how to properly handle cyberbullying situations instead of using prosecution to handle the