
25BHS Synthesis Essay

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25BHS suggests to read tAfï[]me (“from doing”) with 1QIsaa and LXX. Whether we follow BHS proposal or the MT reading, the meaning of the line remains the same since in poetic parallelism the preposition !mi in v. 13a (tB'V;m)i governs the following line (v. 13b). However, the BHS proposal is a more a plausible reading because of tAfï[]me in v. 13e. 261QIsab, Theodotion, Syriac, Targum, and Vulgate read ^yc,Þp'x] (pl.) as ^c.p.x, (sg.). We opt for ^c.p.x, because of the recurrence of the term in v. 13f. 27Old Latin renders hw"hy> vAdÜq.li as sancta Domino (“holy to the Lord”), likewiseBHSproposeshw"hy>l;vAdÜq." WemaintaintheMTreadingbecausevAdq(“holyday”) is used as a substantive, the “day” must be meant here due to semantic parallelism with

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