7 Habits Of Highly Effective College Student Analysis

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Whether it is online or on campus, college is the one place where everyone pursues some form of higher education. In saying that, every college student wants to have a good experience but still make it through triumphantly. As intimidating as it may seem, with the right attitude and enough encouragement, students can make it to the finish line victoriously. For students to complete postsecondary education successfully, they must be self-reliant, ambitious, and studious.
Being self-reliant is a vital aspect when it comes to being successful in college. As undergraduate students, they cannot expect their professor to stand over them and remind them of every task that they need to complete. Having good time management and organizational skills will help students become more self-reliant. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey says, “It’s all about learning to prioritize and manage [their] time so that [their] first things come first, not last” (106). Students have to be able to use their time wisely without someone constantly making sure they did their assignments or studied for that huge exam. Being …show more content…

Having the desire and determination to reach a goal will carry college students much further in life than intelligence itself. Sean Covey gives a few examples of how most people begin with the end in mind: “[They] draw up a blueprint before [they] build a house. [They] read a recipe before [they] bake a cake. [They] create an outline before [they] write a paper” (75). By already having a goal set, it allows students to push themselves and keep a healthy level of ambition. Doing good on an exam is dependent on whether or not the student has the drive and ambition to study: “What [students] do about [their] schooling can also shape [their] future in a major way” (Covey 79). It is impossible to reach a desired goal without dedication and