7 Points Plan Essay

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The seven point plan could be applied in group work activities particularly with young people in years 8 and 9 to get them to begin thinking about how individual abilities, skills and interests relate to different occupational areas.
5) Explain two learning theories and how they can be applied in practice. Assess their usefulness in helping clients with their career planning and development
D-O-T-S Learning Theory
In 2003 a careers learning theory called the DOTS analysis was extracted from the earlier work of Bill Law and AG Watts called “Schools. Careers and Community, A Study of Some Approaches to Careers Education in Schools, which was produced in 1977”

S: self- awareness - ‘who am I?’
O: opportunity awareness - ‘where am I?’
D: decision …show more content…

This might include learning communication, interpersonal or financial skills. The aim is to help all students to make successful transitions even though the ones that they make will vary considerably. It may also in some cases be appropriate to discuss another forthcoming transition stage that will occur later on. For example I often talk to year 11 students about post 18 options as well as post 16 transitions.

One of the disadvantages of the DOTS theory is that it tells practitioners what students need to learn but not how they learn it in practice. The student needs to understand process issues like how to gather sufficient information and experiences and how to put all of this information into useful order. People also then know what to do with the information they have gleaned. Students don’t just need to know what people can learn but how they learn it.

Progression issues are how to get the learning in place and how soon should the individual be doing that. These issues require stories about how people get started, how they develop their learning and how they know when they have accomplished