Why You Shouldn T Beat Your Kids Analysis

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Corporal punishment has been talked about for many years if parents should or shouldn’t beat their kids. Many view that beating their kids, if other ways aren’t working, is a way to bring to their attention that the parent means business. Many studies have been taken opposing the use of corporal punishment but as today’s disrespectful children may need a few spanking to put them back on track. In an article called “8 Reasons to Spank your Kid” by LaShaun. Nicole Williams she gives 8 reasons why spanking your children is a good thing. First she talks about Love followed by respect, teaching them how to make decisions, you want then to have self-control, be accountable, you want them to set standards, see strength not weakness, and it works best. …show more content…

But, as a I got older an she explained to me that the reson why she did it was because she loved me and she wanted me to understand that I was the oldest and as the oldest you have to set an example for your younger siblings. LaShaun’s eight reasons are great reasons why parents should sometimes need to beat their kids if other ways aren’t working. Jessica Pauline Ogilvie from Tribune Media Services wrote an article called “Should parents spank their Children”? In this article Ogilvie has a view point form a professor of research methodology and statistics in the department of human development and family science at Oklahoma State University named Robert Larzelere. Larzelere view is that when used correctly, spanking is a safe and effective means of discipline. Larzelere believes that “parent should do everything as kindly and gently as they first. They should try to understand a child, make sure the child understand what is expected of them, use reasoning and find an adequate nonphysical consequence, like a “timeout” or take away