9/11 Reflection

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“I have to write a 1200 word essay on 9/11,” I said to my dad as I came home one day. Writing this research paper has showed me my strengths and my weaknesses. I have come a long way since the beginning of the year. I have improved in so many ways, but I also still struggle in some ways too.

Our very first paper which was my Narrative paper, “Be Remembered” was easier to write than this research paper on 9/11. Considering I had more to write about since I could relate to it since my Narrative paper was about softball and my life. I could use the word “I” which helped me out a lot throughout the paper. I believe that if I could have used words like “I” in my research paper it would have been better because I would have tried to relate to it more. …show more content…

Skipping English 3 in high school, has made taking English Comp 1 harder than it really is. While the seniors are refreshing their memory, I am learning everything from scratch. Even though this paper was new to me and very difficult, I got through it finally. I had to do so much research I did not know I would have to go through that much trouble. I did not even use half of the research I had. This research paper showed me how hard I have to work to get things done.

Until this year, I have never had to even do homework. I have never had to bring my computer to school, or even use my computer at home. Not having the wifi I need at my house because of where I live can have its disadvantages; I have to go to my grandparents house in Plantersville. Which is not that big of a deal because I basically live in Plantersville anyways. This year when I had to go to my grandparents so much my family thought I was crazy because they did not realize either the time and effort I would have to put in, but it was worth it because I am proud of the write I have become and continuing to