Bullet Point Research Paper

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There it was again, that dreaded bullet point. Shakes and shivers rattled through my body each and every time it appeared. Like a stop sign on my road to success, it would bring me to a screeching halt. Without warning, it randomly emerged in every aspect of my life and caused great anxiety. Although it was not always on paper as a bullet point, in my mind it was like a bullet coming at me. No matter what my goal was, my run was always cut short by one single stumbling block.
On the outside, my peers saw me as a strong, intelligent young man that didn't let anything get in the way of success. Truthfully, inside I felt like I was shriveling and drowning in a pool of doubt. Whether I had to give a speech or simply read something in front of the class, my fear of public speaking would depress my entire being. It changed me from a powerful student leader into a lost and frightened child. That one simple bullet point, that one requirement, diminished my enthusiasm for success. With every assignment given, I prayed that I wouldn't have to face my fear, yet again. …show more content…

Loud, with gravel in his voice and little care for my emotional distress, my teacher announced a class project that would require a verbal presentation. That was it, the bullet point I dreaded. Inevitably, the point was always about presenting, public speaking, communicating, or leading in front of an audience. Needless to say, no matter the effort put forth, I was bound to crumble under the spotlight. It was something about standing alone in front of others that made my heart stop, palms sweat, and hands quiver. Exposure was definite, and my peers soon found out. I wasn't only exposed but completely humiliated. That day, that moment, that embarrassment, forever changed my future. Public speaking may not have been my strong suit, but I committed that day to never allow it to hold me back