Tragedy's Tragic Response To 9/11

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“Great joys make us love the world; great sadness make us understand the world.” said Kent Nerburn about the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001 ( Applewhite). More than 1,000 people died in New York and DC when the terrorist attacked, many of the victims were the firefighters, police, and paramedics responded to this event. There were four hijackers who were involved in this event. They flew the planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as a part of their suicide mission. As the two planes hit the north and south tower in NY, a plane attempted to hit the Pentagon in DC, the result of the terrorists actions that day were that many families lost loved ones (9/11 Facts).

The terrorists piloted the first plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 A.M, the second plane struck the south South Tower 17 minutes later (9/11 facts). More than 400 police officers and …show more content…

The 2 structure erupted in flames, and badly damaged, and then collapsed. U.S forces are trying to capture bin Laden ( Hampton). Less than a month after 9/11, U.S. troops invaded Afghanistan in an attempt to dismantle al-Qaeda, the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the attacks, and remove the Taliban government. Two years later, in March 2003, the United States invaded Iraq and deposed President Saddam Hussein. It was a wake-up call, not only for us as Americans but for those in many parts of the world (What happened). Before 9/11 we could walk with our loved ones and friends to their gate and watch their planes depart, we could be able to show up minutes before a flight and run tomake, we could carry bottles, and we had no security systems. Now after 9/11 you have to show 1 hour before our flight boards. You needed to have passport to watch planes take off, you cannot have any water bottles, and there is security systems take each person must go thru (9/11

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