9/11 Short Stories

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Kenny not paying attention continued on the long road to the middle of knows where. After driving down the road for almost an hour Frank noticed that they were still driving, when they should have been at the hospital forty-five minutes ago. He leans forward and says, “Guys? Where are we?” “All I see is a bunch of trees and a dark road. Kenny did you make a wrong turn?” Before Kenny could answer, the cab began to slow down and a few seconds later turned off. The cab finally gave out. Kenny hit the dashboard in frustration. It was bad enough that the car had to break down, but at night, in the snow, in the middle of God knows wherever he was, it was a fitting end to his bad week. Tub, who had fallen asleep, a rose expecting to be at the hospital to only see the sight of darkness and scary woods. “Where the hell are we?” Tub screamed in fear. “This is not the hospital!” …show more content…

Frank considered waiting in the car for another car to come by and help. The road wasn't often used though, and that might take hours, so Kenny decided that they should first walk down the road to see if there were any other choices. After walking for a half hour in the pounding snow, Tub happened to see an old house in the woods. Now Tub had seen enough horror movies to make him turn back, but snow alone was enough to override his sense of fear and trepidation. He walked up the winding road to the door as Kenny and Frank followed right behind him. The house looked to be very old and not kept up well, and Tub wondered if anyone even lived there

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