A Bad Idea Of Morality Research Paper

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Morality, a Bad Idea

“It is a mistake to assume that the law should always enforce morality”(Peter Sings). Morality is the principles concerning the distinction between right or wrong, or good and bad behavior. The law is a system that enforces rules for a country or community. The United States is known as a democracy, this is defined by the Independence Hall Association in Philadelphia as “A form of government that gives power to the people.” Making morality be forced into law enforcement will only abandon America’s democracy system. Enforcing morality into law will take away the power from the people. When enforcing morality, it takes away the people 's say in the matter. Now there are basic laws that do use morality such as thou shalt …show more content…

Making morality enforced into law isn’t possible because not everyone shares the same morals. If morality was to be enforced into the law, this would mean that all people would have to have the same idea of morality. For example, if morality was to be enforced and it was done by a mormons’ stand point of view, there could possibly be laws stating not to drink soda or any drink with caffeine in it, but this would cause other people that don 't share the same morals would completely disagree, but wouldn’t be able to do anything or disagree because it would be a law they would be forced to follow. Some may say a simple fix to this would to be to enforce all people morals into law, but this still wouldn 't fix the problem of enforcing morality. People would still be getting upset over moral laws for the simple fact that they don 't agree, and yet they still aren 't able to disagree or not follow this moral. Not only that, these laws will abuse people 's right to life, liberty and, the pursuit of happiness. Enforcing these moral laws, people aren 't able to do what they please and this contradicts the rights people have. Take the example above for this situation, if people were not able to drink soda as they pleased this would intrude with their right to have the pursuit of happiness. Morality is not meant to be in law enforcement because there is no way you can enforce morality if no one shares the same morals, and considering America is a democracy and can 't enforce …show more content…

The last issue with enforcing morality is that it 's not law enforcement 's job. Law enforcement 's job is to enforce law, and law and morals are not the same thing (Edwords). Law enforcement already has a hard time enforcing actual laws in the status quo. Adding morals into the equation will only make it harder to enforce laws that are already implemented. Law enforcement is there to protect people and their properties (McWilliams). Aldermen Rodney Barker from drug sense states, “What I’d like to see police do is deal with the important issues and not these sorts of victimless crimes, when society is riddled with them.” Law enforcement needs to focus on the real issues instead of these moral issues we see in society today. Enforcing morality will make law enforcement focus on moral issues than issues that really need law enforcements help. America sees more moral issues than real problems and that is where law enforcement will focus their attention to, and this creates an issue for society. If law enforcement is focused on little issues, these big issues that need law enforcement will only further do what they’re doing, considering they won 't be caught or focused upon. Murray Rothbard expressed “It is not the business of the law to make anyone good or relevant or moral or clean or upright.” Law enforcement isn 't the place to enforce morals. It’s not the business of the law to make people be clean and “worthy”. Enforcing morality isn 't the law