A Brief Summary Of Isoroku's Attack On Pearl Harbor

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Pearl Harbor was one of the most fascinating things to learn about in history. Almost two and a half thousand people died at the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack was an indication that Japan wanted us to be in World War II, even though we did not want to be part in World War II. Before the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese wanted to take China and make it theirs.They wanted a bigger naval force and more facilities (Hanyok para 6). In 1931, Japan seized a small region in Northern China called Manchuria. Manchuria was a resource affluent area, so they took it, and renamed it to Manchukuo (“Attack” para 2). The Japanese wanted to expand their country into Southeast Asia, Netherlands, and East Indies (Hanyok para 7). A couple years later the U.S. …show more content…

Navy completely. On October 1941, the Japanese general finally approved Isoroku’s attack. The attack consisted of six fleet carriers making it the biggest carrier attack of all time (Chen para 2). The Japanese had combined four big parts of the attack: denial and deception, radio intelligence, cryptology, and operation security. They tested all of these out, and they found out which ones worked and which ones did not work out (Hanyok para 5). Almost two weeks earlier than the attack, the Japanese sent a total of 183 different kinds of planes towards Pearl Harbor. The aircrafts came to Pearl Harbor in total secrecy (“Attack” para 10). The Japanese convinced the U.S. Navy that they stayed at Japan and waited for the U.S. to move. If Admiral Kimmel heard any hatred, they would move to Japan (Hanyok para 11). As the Japanese fleet left the Kuril Islands, a guy by the name of Nagumo stated the any non-Japanese ships that had come in contact with one of the Japanese vessels would be destroyed immediately before sending any messages (Chen para 4). On December 5, 1941, while the Japanese were heading to Pearl Harbor, they came upon a Russian ship carrying American tanks to Russia (Chen para

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