A Case Study Of Small Group Identity And Values

295 Words2 Pages
Activity: Introduction and Identity & Values Circles
Time Allotted: 1.5 hours
Supplies: Index Cards, Pens & Garbage Can
Group Set Up: Small group

1. To establish trust, rapport and group cohesion (Hinson, 2015)
2. To gather a glimpse of each group member's drug/alcohol history (Jongsma, Peterson & Bruce, 2014).
3. To gather knowledge of each group member's values (Hinson, 2015).

1. Have each group member introduce themselves (Hinson, 2015).
2. Discuss and review the group guidelines and rules (Hinson, 2015).
3. Have each group member take 3 minutes to briefly discuss their drug/alcohol history and their personal goals (Jongsma, Peterson & Bruce, 2014).
4. Hand out ten index cards and pens to each group member (Identity

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