
A Character Description Of Ally-Personal Narrative

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Character Description Ally- 15-17 year old caucasian girl with brown hair. Her appearance makes her look very ordinary but she has a certain twinkle in her eye that makes her a paper just a little off. When she was very young she killed her dad, but blocked the memory out completely, and believes he disappeared, just like everyone else, besides her mom named Kelly. Since Ally is very quiet and was violent when she was young, she doesn’t have any friends, only imaginary ones. Kelly/ narrator- A mom in her early 40’s. She is clearly beautiful, but has very clear wrinkles from stress. She is a flight attendant, and often is not home. She is the only person who knows her daughter killed her husband. After the murder, Kelly cleaned the mess up …show more content…

I won’t be home tonight, the airline is sendinging me on a flight to Mexico. Ally Whatever, see you when you get home. Ext. We see Ally proceed to the steps of her school. Narrator/ Kelly She wasn’t a normal girl. She had always been violent. But I never thought she was capable of killing her own father. Looking back at it I should have seen the signs, the first day of kindergarten she bit a kid because she thought he was looking at her weird for christ sake. Constant calls from the elementary principal, basically once a week, until the accident. After that she stopped. She never did anything. It was like, when she killed him, she killed herself. Int. Highschool day Kelly walks down the hall to her class, people stare, and whisper, but her appearance is far from abnormal. She enters her class room and takes a seat. The teacher begins the lesson for that day but is is clear she in unengaged, just playing on her phone. Teacher Good morning class! I hope you had a good spring break. With that said, spring break is over, and I fully expect you to pay attention today because you will have a quiz tomorrow. Okay… Ally plays on her phone. Teacher Ally? Excuse me? You know the rules give me your phone. Aly looks up then goes back to her

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