A Comparison Of China And The United States

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China and the United States Developing Trade Partnership
After reading, the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions different countries may show comparisons and contracts. Below is a correlation between the United States and China.
After reading, the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions different countries may show comparisons and contracts. Below is a comparison between the United States and China. According to, the information I gathered from Hofstede’s six dimension models of cultural variability the two countries I choose to analyze is China and the United States. China and the United States share a semi-form of similar cultural homogeneous beliefs. From exploring the Americans and Chinese culture 6-D Model both seem to have the same outlook on individualism, masculinity, and long-term orientation. “Individualism” disclose the perspective and …show more content…

Individual differences that may become barriers to communication include age, gender, exclusive language, educational level, organizational rank, and personalities (Baack, 2012). The dimensions represent the level of activeness each person in their own country partakes. In regard to, “Power Distance” reveals that all individuals are born unique and are not entitled to the same equal right regardless of their race, culture, gender equality, and development cooperation. “Uncertainty Avoidance” focuses on how culture learns to adapt to the laws and orders of new changes and cope with uncertainty. “Indulgence” focuses more on freedom of speech of individual happiness and well-being. That means that individual from a higher power distance may agree or disagree with the cultural background and may refrain from implementing new norms changes; such as teaching obedience or equally. Hofstede notes, "all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others" (Hofstede,