A Elastic Way To Die Essay

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A Drastic Way to Die Physical abuse is one of the most known types of abuse, considering nearly 700,000 kids in the United States suffer from physical abuse(“National Statistics on Child Abuse”). Physical abuse can cause a person to fall to their death extremely fast. Being abused can happen in many forms and the majority of the people being abused do not know how to get help because it doesn't just leave marks on your body it destroys your mental state too. There are many different ways to be physically abused for instance, pushing, pinching, biting, preventing you from eating or sleeping, holding you captive, and numerous more(“Physical Abuse”). Some of the ways to be abused are very small but some can bring you to your death. Children …show more content…

Most people are scared to confront someone because of the outcome. Not only do they think that confronting them will make them mad but they are scared that the person will come after them. There are many different ways to get help like calling the police, an abuse hotline, or even a family member and they will find better help.
Physical abuse can be both slight and immense. The effects that happen as soon as it's done are a bruise, cut, or maybe even a broken bone. The long term effects, though, can be drastic- for instance suicidal behavior, self mutilation, panic disorders, post- traumatic stress disorder, and it can take a major toll on your overall mental state (“Effects of Physical Abuse, Pictures of Physical Abuse”). After being physically abused most people have to go to a mental facility it is so critical.
Physical abuse can happen in many ways, but the sad thing is, is that it can literally kill someone. When you are being physically abused you never think about long term effects so you never think you need to get help because physical abuse can happen in many different ways and some are very little but some are unbearable. So I suggest if you ever see anyone that you think might be getting physically abused and you think they need help, call for someone because they might need someone more than what you think they