A Powerful God Jonah Iv7-17 Study Guide

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A Powerful God – Jonah 1v7-17
- Introduction o This is no ordinary story of a boat in a storm
 In this chapter a prophet named Jonah
• Is called by God to go preach at a city called Nineveh
• Jonah doesn’t want to be sent by God to a city of gentiles so he buys a ship ticket to go in the opposite direction o Notice the story
 It has a real man named Jonah
 A real city called Ninevah
 A real city called Tarshish
 A place called Joppa where Jonah has to go to get the ship
• The Word of God coming to Jonah was real
• The feeling of God’s presence was real
• The fact that God had heard the cry against a city was real o This is not written as a myth o This was written to show that just as real as these cities and as catching a boat at a certain …show more content…

• The Baptist confession of faith defines it this way, : God the good Creator of all things, in his infinite power and wisdom, upholds, directs, arranges, and governs all creatures and things,1 from the greatest to the least,2 by his perfectly wise and holy providence, to the purpose for which they were created. He governs according to his infallible foreknowledge and the free and unchangeable counsel of his own will. His providence leads to the praise of the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, infinite goodness, and mercy.”
 There are amazing providences we experience and will continue until we experience the providence of our final breath
• What do we learn, no storm whether literal or figurative can come to us unless ultimately it comes from God o This should comfort us
 We only live for the days the LORD has given us
• This must inform our views of storms in life, it

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