A Real Man Won T Let Her Essay

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In this modern society, in an ever-changing world, it is probable to question whether principles have changed. In the 1900s women were groomed and taught to be wives and men were trained and molded to be providers. However, in this new millennium women are taught to be independent and not to rely on men. Men, in return, have begun to forsake their role as providers. The meme that was selected states “A real woman can do it all by herself but a real man won’t let her”. The meme aims to reach to adult men and women. The meme effectively portrays that men won’t allow women to take on every role and responsibilities; through gender roles, language, and phraseology.

In the twenty-first (21) century it is becoming more evident that women are more self- sufficient and self- sustaining; and more men are providing less, which is an indicator of gender roles changing. The meme background is of a couple in a car. The man is seated in the driver’s …show more content…

However, what is meant by ‘let her’ The meme interpreted by me addresses a growing issue. I believe we are leaving the error where women only desire to be wed and entering an error where women want more out of life. Women are now aspiring to be educated and independent which can be troublesome for men wanting to be in a relationship with them. Women are no longer wanting to submit to their husband, and men are now in a constant battle for dominance. Women are now taking their life in their own hands and willingly become single mothers, by in vitro fertilization. Although, it is great to see women aspiring to do more, independence is creating a problem. Moreover, women becoming independent, is discouraging men from doing their roles, enabling them to do nothing, and to never challenge women for their place. “A real woman can do it all by herself but a real man won’t let