Margaret Mead Sex And Temperament Essay

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Society has changed since Margaret Mead has written Sex and Temperament; however, her concept on masculinity and femininity is still something we face to this day. Meads viewed a masculine woman as someone who is more dominant and a feminine man as someone who is gentle and submissive. Today’s generation regard reverse gender roles, which are masculine women and feminine men, as different than normal, but not as drastic as Mead’s perception. People expect the man to be the head of the household and the woman to be the person who takes care of all the household chores. Even though in modern society woman have more freedom and goals than in the past, they are still expected to cook the food, clean the house, and care for the children. This notion we society have put on these people has had a gradual impact on the individuals and their lives. People that condemn those individuals feel that their opinion, which follows the traditional household roles, is the only way and force their opinions on the individuals. The men and women either begin to feel the way they are is not right or ignore those people and continue to be true to themselves, but …show more content…

Most people are questioned or shamed for being thinking different than what people find normal like nagging people for wearing what they wear, liking who they like, and being who they are. When they doing this, it causes society as a whole to lack uniqueness. Other times they make life harder on the individuals whether it is in the work place or everyday situations. For instance, when a woman dresses or seems more masculine people automatically assume that she is into girl and vice versa men. If a woman seems more masculine it does not mean she likes girl. This could just be part of her style, distinct appearance or person trait, therefore making her doubt her style and possibly change her