
A Trip To Unicorn Singh, By Lilly Singh

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Lilly Singh is a famous YouTuber. She has about ten million people that watch her videos on YouTube. She is Canadian, but her parents are from India. Her story is different from any other person. Her perspective is different by the way she was raised. Now that she has a big voice she uses it to her for good. She tries to tell people that you're aren’t alone in whatever you're going through. Lilly is here for you to make your day. To make the audience happy and forget what happened during the day. Lilly has an island where she goes to be herself and be happy, which is Unicorn Island. Everybody has there Unicorn Island but it is different from everyone else.Everybody has different things that make them happy. In her documentary, “A Trip To Unicorn …show more content…

Some days when I’m not feeling well and I go watch her videos and makes my day. It doesn't matter if it's her vlogs or content channel. Both of them help my self-esteem and changes my mood of the day. I have seen videos of little girls cry once they have a chance to see Lilly in person. Everyone has there own problems and try to make the best of it. Over the years I notice people treat their problem differently. Some pretend that they're ok , some become addicted to something, and some hurt themselves even more. In the trip to Unicorn Island and from her Youtube Channel she likes to spread positivity. In the She explains how she struggled in her tour. Lilly gets very tired and stressed out about her life. She questions it, “why am i doing this, this sucks, I know why I’m doing this because I want to impact people to not to be so lonely”(A Trip to Unicorn Island). She was in a bad place but she fought through it by doing the tour. Lilly is very hard working, she shows people to not give up. That you can do anything if you put your mind into it. Work hard and you will see changes in your life it can motivate you to better. Lilly is the best in that, she can push herself show others that you can do it. She has inspired me and a bunch of other people. Every society is ruled by norms, which are spoken or unspoken rules of behavior (McWhorter 538). Not all of people can do what she can do, she went through a lot but not a lot of people want to go through it like she did. I totally respect her, I hope one day I would have a chance to see her person up in person. Once she has the other event I will try to be

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