APA Reflective Essay

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ELA I find I need to come up with multiple instructional strategies prior to instructing my lessons. When it comes to ELA, you really need to know your students learning needs in order to prepare for any modifications in advance. When I was placed in a first grade class, children were working on basic literary skills. I found this easy to teach to students and found that providing additional support was all students in the class needed. However, with third grade the curriculum is more advanced and goes beyond literary skills. At this age, students are using what they’ve learned in the previous years and not only building on those skills but applying them to new skills. Once you become aware of what instructional strategies work best for your students you will be able to prepare modifications on lessons for independent work. I have learned that there are two main components for ELA, reading and writing. In one aspect, these two components go hand in hand. On the contrary, they are very different. Just because a student is strong in reading does not mean that this same student is strong in writing. However, writing can be based off of reading and if students are having a hard time understanding what they are reading, most likely they will have a …show more content…

This helped me form a clear understanding of what strategies I needed to build during LIA time. LIA (literacy instruction for all) became one of my favorite times during the day. This really gave me a chance to analyze the data and rescue skills needed in the classes I worked with. There are also very limited curriculums in place for LIA time which really allows you to take the interests of your students and apply them in your lessons. What I really love about LIA time, is you can have student’s complete different tasks to individualize the lessons they are working