Summary Of The Focal Problem

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Focal problem Classrooms have grown more diverse every day and teachers need to know how to effectively support English language learners (ELLs) in reading. Reading can be challenging for students especially ELLs who are not native English speakers. Students need skills and strategies to be able to read the words on the page, be able to understand the vocabulary that they are reading, and to comprehend the text. There are a lot of components that go into learning to read and there are such important skills to learn to become an efficient reader. The students need the support from their teachers and to have equal opportunities in order for them to succeed in their academics such as reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. Teachers are already supporting their ELL and native English speakers in their classroom but what else can be done for ELLs who are struggling with reading and understanding the text? What are methods that teachers can learn to add to their daily lessons that will improve students’ academic growth in the classroom? Context of focal problem …show more content…

Compared to the United States a majority of those ELL students are in the west coast. The local issue is that there are a lot of classrooms in Washington State with a majority of ELL students. Due to those statistics it is critical that teachers learn teaching strategies that are effective and will benefit all students in their classrooms. It is important that teachers get the training and tools they need so they are able to provide support for ELLs so the students can meet the standards that are required of them. Once teachers do get the training they need to implement them in the classroom to support their