Key Reading Key Findings

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5 Pieces! The Big 5 for Reading Discuss the key findings of your research. Cite key findings that you are quoting. Summarize the importance of the information you are discussing. What did you learn from this research? How will you use this research information? Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss key findings on the five-essential part of reading. The big five of reading instruction are key building block that contribute to reading development. The big five of reading consist of the following: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Within the five essential parts of reading, the major topics to be discussed are assessment, strategies, and effectiveness. This paper will conclude …show more content…

There are many standardized measures that can be used to assess phonemic awareness skills. The University of Oregon study shows Initial Sounds Fluency and Phonemic Segmentation are two measures provided by the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy (DIBELS). The DIBELS Initial Sounds Fluency (ISF) Measure assesses a child's ability to recognize and produce the initial sound in an orally presented word. The DIBELS Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) assesses a student's ability to segment three- and four-phoneme words into their individual phonemes …show more content…

Readers learn the alphabetical principal and that letter represent a specific speech sound. Students begin to learn phonics rules and patterns which are not always regular. For instance, there are silent letters and vowel pairs that make different sounds depending on the context of the sentence in which it used. Not all words a phonetically regular so student need to learn sight words. As students move through the reading process, they begin to decode more complex words with multiple syllables. As students learn the structure of these words students, they can begin to make sense of the words at the level of the morpheme. A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning of a word and could help students to know what a word means. It is important to remember that phonics is not just about letters and sounds but also about the ability to spell the word correctly and also understand its meaning. A common strategie for teaching phonics is the word sort technique as well as the technique of making word with the letters. Third fluency