Content Area Literacy Strategies

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It is necessary to implement a Content Area Literacy strategy to support our students in achieving clearly defined goals. By teaching students the skills needed to make sense of a variety of texts and write for a variety of purposes, students can meet state benchmarks and become productive citizens and lifelong learners. Our school can become an effective educational institution by implementing one strong comprehensive strategy school wide across the content areas.

Definition and Explanation of Content Area Literacy: The definition of content area literacy continues to evolve each and every day. Teachers introduce strategies to help students think through the reading process. Students use these strategies to read, comprehend, …show more content…

By making connections, activating prior knowledge, monitor and extend thinking, students are much more able to become active and strategic readers. After high school, they will read and write more than ever. They require advanced levels of literacy to excel in their jobs, be productive citizens, and perform in their daily lives. They need obtain the necessary skills to understand and evaluate a wide variety of texts.

Possible School-wide Reading Strategies Considered:

Connection stems - assists students in making associations or connections between the texts that are being read and themselves, other texts, and the world. While reading, students can say, "That reminds me of…." or "I remember when….". This previewing strategy helps readers to activate prior knowledge and encourages reflection during reading.

Paired Questioning - supports students' reading comprehension by generating questions to guide thinking. Students take turns in generating text-related question and responding to them during reading. Then, one partner takes the important ideas from the text and the other partner agrees, disagrees, or justifies. This self-questioning strategy helps students to understand the