ELL Strategies Essay

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Integration Of ELL Strategies The three strategies I used for ELL students were to incorporate many different delivery methods, scaffold support for students, and strategic grouping of students with peers that are advanced in speak clear English to support language and social development. I used multiple methods, including technology, to provide an introduction to the information and to practice the skills as well. This will help in showing the information to ELL students in multiple ways for them to practice in multiple ways, which will increase their understanding. I will also scaffold for ELL students and provide multiple examples when needed to help them understand the concept we are covering. This will happen either in a small group or by working with them at their table/desk. When students work in groups their groups will be set up in a way that will support ELLs in their language development, along with learning the concepts that are being taught. ELLs will be in each group along with a model/advanced student or two, which will encourage ELL students to be more communicative as they develop their language and confidence some. I might consider grouping ELL students in one group once they begin to become acclimated to the classroom and their peers. The Demographics of the Class …show more content…

There is a total of 15 students. Many of the students are middle class, with a few being of lower economic status. ELL students will need to develop the understanding of opposites, describing words, and how to describe familiar people. This will also help in vocabulary development for all students, along with the skills being developed for ELL students. Students in kindergarten are still learning language so some concepts will be new to them as well. However, with ELL students it will be important to pay attention to annunciation of words and providing sound directions and models for them to complete their