AT & T Diversity

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Demonstrating compassion, gratitude, and understanding when leading personnel in a corporate setting of diverse ethnic, cultural, gender, and multigenerational upbringings is essential for good business practices. Not only do good work practices make a change in the way businesses are ran, but they also make for a prosperous work world. Ensuring that there are diversity policies implemented and demonstrated by all levels of employees makes for a unique work environment, where diversity heals and does not hurt. EY and AT&T The Ernst and Young Firm, better known as EY and the American Telephone and Telegraph company, known under its acronym as AT&T both offer very different products, goods, or services to individuals and organizations all over the globe. It is only just that their diversity plans be just as enriched as each different location of their recognized company’s agencies. Diversity Inc. Top 50 Information. EY ranked as number one in the 2017 Diversity Inc. Top 50 list, while AT&T ranked number three. The methodology behind the Diversity Inc. Top 50 ranking, according to their website, is through experiential data. This data is found after a company takes a two hundred question survey followed by a rigorous, data-focused analysis after the survey. The criteria of the questions range from representation of women in the corner offices, to …show more content…

According the Diversity Inc. list, their telephone and telegraph company has focused on a different set of diversified criteria. Racial differences amongst AT&T company members is vast because, statistically, there are twenty percent more Blacks, Latinos and Asians in Senior Leadership than that of the other Diversity Inc. Top 50 list members. This set of minority members have a higher chance to be promoted into management, than that of the other diversity list companies, forty three percent more likely to be exact (Staff,