Aa Meeting Experience

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The last time I went to an AA meeting was about 6 or 7 years ago. At that time, my brother was having issues with both alcohol and drug use, and asked me if I would join him. I was felt very happy because after years of me trying to reach out to him, he finally reached out to me. I still remember when he received his golden chip for 10 months of sobriety. I must have attended about a dozen AA meetings with my brother. During that time, I did feel a bit nervous, but mostly for him. Meaning, I was nervous about how he might respond to AA or if it would even benefit him. I assumed when I started this assignment that I would feel the same, I can tell you now with great certainty I did not. As I proceeded to get in my truck and make my way to the Friendship Club, I became aware of that the close I got, the more anxiety I felt. I truly had no idea what to expect and how I might be treated. After all I am not an alcoholic. At one point in the drive I said to myself, “I’ll just go tomorrow”. I knew that If I would have listened to myself, I would not have started this assignment tonight and it ultimately would have made things worse for me. …show more content…

The first thing out of this mouth was, “I’ve never seen you here before, are you from another club, what’s your problem, alcohol, addict, or both?” He was very firm and spoke somewhat loud but very friendly. I kindly introduced myself and told him that I was a graduate student at FIU studying clinical mental health and I was required by an assignment to attend four open 12-step meetings. After some pleasantries he expressed that he has been sober for twenty-six years and that AA, seeing other addicts recovering, and his sponsor literally saved his