Abandonment In Tangerine

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Abandonment. Disloyalty. Deceiving. These three words describe traitors. In the novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Paul feels betrayed because of interpersonal trauma with his mom, Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher’s choices affect the development of the main character, Paul. This is demonstrated when Mrs. Fisher decided to fill out the IEP form, Mrs. Fisher not telling Paul the real reason why he is blind, and Mrs. Fisher not making Paul’s older brother Erik go to a doctor for his anger issues. Mrs. Fisher’s choice of filling out an IEP form affected Paul’s character. Paul was cut off the soccer team because of his physical disability of being blind but if his mom Mrs. Fisher never filled out the IEP form, he would’ve still been able to play soccer at Lake Windsor Middle School. The author wrote, “Paul, darling, I did not know that the IEP form had anything to do with playing on the soccer team,” (Bloor 64). Because of Mrs. Fisher’s choice, Paul’s profession of being a varsity athlete was ruined since he had a physical disability of not being able to see clearly. As soon as he hears that all of this was his mom’s fault, he feels disappointed and guilty …show more content…

Fisher makes that affects Paul’s character is Mrs. Fisher not telling Paul the real reason why he is blind. Paul feels very insecure about the fact that he can’t see. He was told by his mom that he stared at an eclipse for a very long period of time and became blind. As soon as he finds out his mom felt some sorrow and regret for her decision not to tell him the truth. In the text, it states, “I yanked off my Coke-bottle glasses and shook them at him in rage. There are questions that need to be answered about these!” (Bloor 265). Consequently, Paul was super mad and felt betrayed. Paul felt like he couldn’t trust anyone because he's been lied to for 7 years for the one thing that he was embarrassed about. Paul’s character was affected by Mrs. Fisher not telling Paul the true cause of why he is