Abortion Pro Life Essay

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Abortion is a needed medical procedure that has been proven time and time again to be good for society, families and women- it is every person's fundamental right to be in control of their own body and the functions that it accomplishes, and pregnancy is one of the most life changing. Abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus to terminate a pregnancy and if done professionally abortion is a very safe procedure. By law it is a woman's right to make decisions about their own bodies. Women have the right to control their own body and reproductive lives (Socialistworker.org). Therefore no one should be able to determine what a woman can and cannot do with their body. The United States Supreme Court who ruled in the 1973 …show more content…

If the babies health is in danger during the pregnancy the woman should be able to decide herself whether she wants to go through with it or not. A unwanted Pregnancy can be very stressful on woman. This not only puts the mother in a bad situation but also the baby. “Every child born should come into the world wanted, loved, and cared for. Planned children often have better life prospects because caregivers are better prepared to support the child physically, emotionally, and financially”( Janice Baldwin). Many children who are born in good situations tend to a lot better. Abortion should unquestionably not be used as a primary birth control use. It should be determined based on the circumstances of the pregnancy. A woman should have the choice to have an abortion if she is raped, impregnated by a disturbed man or by incest. It would be unfair to force a rape victim to bear an unwanted baby and give up all the dreams she ever had and be reminded of that rape for the rest of her life. The termination of the pregnancy might have to do with the health of the mother herself, maybe the mother is unable to attend to the child’s needs after its born, resulting in child abuse and mental disease. In these situations abortion is a must in my opinion. Most abortions occur because contraception fails, because of a rape or because of a serious medical condition of the mother, which could lead to her

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