Abortion Research Paper Outline

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Part 1: Title Of Bill: My bill is an act to lower the legal abortion period.
Be it enacted by the 9th grade Senate of Wayzata High School.
Part 2: Purpose: Since abortions have been reported in the 1970’s there has been 44,498,750 abortions in the U.S. The most abortions recorded was in 1984. In 1984 there were 1,333,521 abortions. 1,333,521 babies were terminated. An abortion can be legally done 24 weeks into the pregnancy. Abortions that late into pregnancy should not be allowed, the limit for abortions should be lowered to 4 weeks. Abortions have many effects and are not an easy way out of a pregnancy. Abortions have physiological effects, violation to right to life, and are against religions and morals. Women who get abortions suffer from …show more content…

In an article about a women who got an abortion she explains her mental health after the abortions. “ I felt that abortion was wrong but I felt I had no choice. For a number of years afterwards, I went through emotional problems and had overwhelming thoughts of suicide. My days were dark, even though I thought I had put abortions behind me.”(God Abortion and Forgiveness) This interview shows the mental health effects she had after the abortions. This women has had 3 abortions and as she says in the quote all the mental effects she had. She had suicidal thoughts nothing to look forward to. Abortions are not an easy way out of pregnancy after an abortion one can not just put it behind themselves. It is something this women lived with for a long time. Abortion does not only cause mental effects it also is a violation to the right to …show more content…

¾ of Americans identify as Catholic or Christian and if they stay true to gods teaching they would find abortion unexceptable or morally wrong. In the sixth commandment of the Old Testament it says “thou shalt not kill” and that “ Human life is sacred from its beginning which involves creative action of god”(Fr. William Saunders). If Catholics or Christians stay true they know abortion is wrong. Abortion goes against gods word therefore many Americans know how wrong abortion is which is why the abortion time period needs to be lowered