Persuasive Essay's Argument Against Abortion

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Imagine you are a growing fetus inside of your mother’s body and you are not a priority to her. Not only are you not a priority to her, but she wants to end your life for her own convenience. Also did you know before you she got rid of you, she got rid of your sister? Could you accept the fact that it empowers your mother to end your life because she has a right to her own body, but you don’t have a right to your own life? Did you know that 35% of all women have an abortion by the age 45, and 47% of all abortions are done by women who have already had at least one abortion previous ( When people think of abortion the same question becomes debatable, “What if the woman was raped?”, only then that makes it okay? Wrong! 92% …show more content…

Thus meaning it is going against a woman's’ right to privacy to interfere with her choice to abort the baby ( Life begins at conception, so unborn babies have a right to life. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”( The US Supreme Court is going against the “Declaration Of Independence” which is a human being’s right to life and to have equal rights as the child’s mother. Another person may argue that the mother has a right to do with what she wants with the child, but death is in humane and abuse. Statistics have shown that fetuses feel pain during abortion ( “Child Abuse- has been defined as an act, or failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical and emotional harm.”( A mother only has a right to do what she wants with the child if it is not physically or emotionally hurting the child, and it does not result in death. Abortion just so happens to cause all three! Women do not have the right to abort a child just because it happens to be a inconvenience to them! There are many people who can not have children that would love to adopt a child. In the past decade there has …show more content…

Many women who have abortions develop mental and physical health issues. “Within 8 weeks after their abortions, 55% expressed guilt, 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor(” “Women with a history of one abortion face a 2.3 times higher risk of having cervical cancer, compared to women with no history of abortion. Women with two or more abortions face a 4.92 relative risk (Paragraph 4)(” “ Abortion is associated with cervical and uterine damage which may increase the risk of premature delivery, complications of labor and abnormal development of the placenta in later pregnancies. These reproductive complications are the leading causes of handicaps among newborns(Paragraph 9)(” I call this karma, by taking the life of an unborn child can cause so many health issues for you and for future pregnancies. Abortion is not only wrong but can cost you your life and your future children’s life. There are many ways to avoid abortion, such as taking contraceptives and giving the child up for adoption. I believe many people choose to have an abortion because they can’t stand the idea of giving up their child to someone else. Wouldn't you rather give life

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