Different Views On Abortion Is Morally Wrong

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How would you feel if someone was taking your ability to live? For many years different people have had different views on abortion. Each view on abortion think they are right. The pro-life view says that it is morally wrong and the the life of a baby should not be take away. The pro-choice view says that it is the woman’s right to have an abortion. Abortion is the murder of a baby and should be illegal, unless the mother’s life is being endangered because of the pregnancy. Unborn babies are the most vulnerable and helpless members of our society. Science shows that they are human beings with inherent value. The life of a human being is not dependent on where they are, how tall they are, what race they are, what they look like, or how old they are. Each person has inherent worth because of who and what he or she is: a member of society. …show more content…

It is morally impermissible to kill a baby because they do not have a say in their life and their life is being taken away. It is not fair to the child to have their life taken away when the child has done anything wrong. A reason why abortion should not be legal is because the child has no say in what is going to happen to them, when in reality the child can be born and given up for adoption. There are many different options instead of killing a child for no reasons. Yes, there are certain cases such as rape where you feel like you must abort the child when in reality there are millions of people that cant have that