Should Abortion Be Outlawed Research Paper

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“We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life -- the unborn -- without diminishing the value of all human life”(Ronald Reagan). An Abortion is when a woman who has an unborn child, that she does not want, gets the pregnancy aborted. In other words the woman gets the unborn child killed. Abortions were made legal in the United States of America 45 years ago. In that time, there has been strong debates on both sides of the argument. Abortions should be outlawed because abortions are murder, abortions are immoral, and abortions cause people to become desensitized to human life. Murder is a reason that Abortions should be outlawed. Murder is a serious thing that is not taken lightly by people but yet it’s fine for an abortion. The …show more content…

That is not the case with abortions. Abortions are immoral but they are still done. When a woman is having an abortion she isn’t killing some stranger. She is killing her own child. The child is her own son or daughter. Even if the child reminds her of the father. No matter what the backstory of the woman and the reason one has for doing it, the fetus is still a child. He or she is their child, it has his or her own mind and could live a great life if he or she is given the chance. Abortions do not change the past. Life might go back to normal for everybody but the woman who got the pregnancy aborted. Abortions can cause psychological damage to the former mother. For the woman who had the abortion, having the thought and possibly regret of having the child aborted. The thought could still haunt her that she could of had an amazing little boy or girl, but she can’t because she killed the child before the child could even know that there is a world. It says in the Constitution of Independence, on which the United States of America was founded on, that, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Franklin, Adams, Sherman, Livingston and Jefferson). These are the words that most people in the U.S. know. Unborn children are still human. Even the government say they are. Though they are not yet born, they should have the same rights as everyone. The same rights the woman getting the abortion. It is in the constitution. the constitution is the base of this county and its laws. Abortions happen even though they are immoral. The woman is killing her own child. Anyone with a straight mind would likely agree. Because of that it does not make sense that abortions are still