Abortions Are Personal And Complicated Essay

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“Abortions are personal and complicated”, Jessica states in her article about abortions being legal. Mrs. Valenti believes that abortion should be legal without any restrictions, and by controlling it, it gives out the assumption that women can’t be trusted to make good decisions. While Jessica speaks like a feminist who believes in women’s right solely, her arguments seem more emotional than tangible with facts. Initially she states
“abortions should be legal without any restrictions- no parental consent laws, no mandated ultrasounds, no waiting periods, no bans on late term abortions, and no bans on federal funding for abortion
Jessica states that abortions are personal and complicated. A child has a parent to assist them in making difficult …show more content…

Steven Zielinski, an internal medicine physician from Oregon, testified before Congress that an unborn child could feel pain at “eight-and-a-half weeks and possibly earlier” and that a baby before birth “under the right circumstances, is capable of crying.” At this point, you are taking away a life.
Subsequently, she also states there should be no bans on federal funding for abortion. There are restrictions for everything, so why wouldn't we have restrictions for abortions; especially when we are using government money? With a $18 trillion dollar debt the US is experiencing you would believe every dollar should be accounted for. Hundreds of millions of tax dollars in services and policies are given to help prevent unexpected pregnancies; over the counter preventions are now available and can be used with insurance. Yet, even though there are plenty preventative options, the latest data from the Guttmacher Institute show the number of annual abortions at 1.2 million per year in the United States. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 44% of them were repeat abortions, and 1 in 5 represent a third or even higher order

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