Hypothetical Essay On Abortion

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Abortion seems to be a huge issue in not only the United States, but internationally as well. Both sides to the argument have valid points on why abortion should be legal or illegal.
Looking at this hypothetical situation, there are two conflicting components: morality and logic.
Following just morals blindly, without logic, will tell me, that all lives are essential, even the fetus that will bore life from the womb. Thus, the fetus will live.
Following logic blindly, without morals, will tell me, that the female is the central figure of this issue, and the child bearer, thus it would be best to keep the female..
According to my views, abortion should be illegal. However, it should only be allowed *under emergency cases*. What I mean by emergency, 1) The female's life is in danger; 2) The potential newborn's life is in danger; 3) The female was raped, thus leading to the …show more content…

**In this hypothetical situation, *****I would let the female live*****, rather than the fetus. **
Because, if the female were to die, then that would not only sadden me as a spouse, but the whole family as well. After all, if I already have kids (in addition to the newborn), who is going to help me effectively raise them, now that their biological mother is gone. Also, losing the female would cause further negative complications such as depression, loss of energy, and potential suicide, because I lost someone whom I promised eternity to.
If the potential newborn/fetus were to die, my spouse and I would be deeply sad, because of the loss. However, at least we could rebound together from the loss. Also, the female (who if still alive and healthy) could still produce another child, at an appropriate time (if needed).
To summarize the above, losing the female would carry macro (large) consequences, whereas losing the potential newborn/fetus would carry micro (small)

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