Academic Poster Reflective Log

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The reflective log will critically discuss and reflect on the process of producing an academic poster as part of a group. To do this, it will focus on the main challenges and positive experiences of working collaboratively with others. Whilst discussing the impact it has had in raising my awareness of the importance of partnerships and collaboration within multi-agency working. Finally, it will reflect on how gaining a better understanding of multi-agency working and the role I take within a group impacts on my future professional practice.
Session One
When selecting our groups I was approached by another student who wanted to join us. One of my weaknesses is that I struggle to say no; I found the situation uncomfortable as I was aware of the feelings of the rest of the group. I could see the benefits of having an additional member as according to Preston-Shoot (2007) smaller groups are more likely to split into one to one interactions rather than developing as a group. I also felt that since I do not work closely with this student, it would give me a better experience of multi-agency working as they are usually unfamiliar to each other. However, my group did not want her to join as they both had a previous negative …show more content…

We finally managed to get together, but were limited by time and only had an hour and a half to discuss the design of the poster. During the meeting I felt we were not productive and were unable to make clear decisions. Later reflection, I realised that having a set agenda would have been more productive and members of the group could have researched and brought ideas to the meeting which would have helped with the time constraint. Cottrell (2008) states in order to have effective meeting a set agenda is