
Accomplishments Of Jesus Research Paper

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Jesus made many accomplishments and amazing feats during his time on earth.
One thing Jesus did was he turned water into wine. The story was that Jesus and his mother, Mary, went to a wedding in Cana. Whenever they ran out of wine at the wedding, Jesus filled six stone jars with 20-30 gallons of water in each jar. He then told the servants to pour some water out and give it to the Master of the Banquet. Then Jesus told the master to drink from the water. When he took a drink of the water, the water miraculously turned into wine. This is one of the first signs that Jesus showed that he was holy and worthy of praise.
Another major accomplishment he accomplished was when Jesus healed the blind man. When Jesus was walking in a town with his disciples, he noticed a man on the side of the road. Jesus knew that the he was blind from his birth. Jesus then spit on the ground and made clay with this. He then …show more content…

Lazarus was Mary’s brother. When Jesus got a message from Mary and her sister, Martha, he told his disciples that they were going back to Bethany. The disciples were worried, when they were there, the jews wanted to stone him to death. Jesus did not fear this, because he knew that this would not happen to him. When he got there, Mary and Martha were mourning were with a few friends when Jesus arrived. Jesu then asked Mary and Martha where the tomb of Lazarus was. When they arrived to the tomb, he asked them to open it. They said he was dead for four days and it was no use. Then Jesus said, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believe, you would see God’s glory?”He then yelled out “Father, I thank you for hearing me. I’ve known that you always hear me. However, I’ve said this so that the crowd standing around me will believe that you sent me.” . He then told Lazarus to come out, so Lazarus walked out, his hands wrapped up in cloth. He then told God “ Free Lazarus, and let him

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