Accomplishments Of Theodore Roosevelt

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Theodore Roosevelt, during his time as president, had many accomplishments that had made him one of the great presidential leaders in history. He was a long term thinker and accomplished to promote the conservation movement and was able to preserve the natural resources we had. Roosevelt was also conscious of his people and was able to pass Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act to help regulate safer food. If Roosevelt were to lead today he would be a conservationist to lead as our modern president.
Theodore Roosevelt was a man who was a long-time thinker and this had helped him accomplish many things for himself and America. Being such a forward thinker this made Roosevelt such a good leader and president. One accomplishment of …show more content…

If you lead or are a leader you have to care for the people that you are leading because they are the ones you have to keep happy. You have to keep them content with what you are doing and how you are treating certain situations. One accomplishment of this leadership quality was Roosevelt creating the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act, to regulate safer food and drugs for America. Of course, like any person, no one wants to eat or intake anything that’s not sanitized or good for them, but a lot of people didn’t know what was happening in the factories making their food. In meat factories it was a nasty mix of sweat, animal blood and human blood sometimes all over the products. This was not a safe good for any of America to eat. So, since Roosevelt was very conscious and caring for his people he created the acts to help them, and keep them safe from diseases. This quality is some things people lack and they in turn aren’t good leaders at all. They have to care about what they’re doing and why they are doing it. Roosevelt cared for his people and tried to make them have a safer and healthier life. Without many of Roosevelt’s caring and long-term leadership qualities America wouldn’t be the same as it is today. If Roosevelt did run the country today he would run it with many other qualities …show more content…

He always seemed like a man to be for keeping America “green” and conserve the resources we waste. Like many other countries today, America is trying to make itself an environmentally friendly place. We are trying to recycle more, use solar power over electricity and gases, and not waste what we can reuse. Roosevelt always tried to keep our country protected, like many of the protected natural resources and land. So, in today’s society he would push to keep our polluted country as “green’ as possible. He would be a modern day environmentalist to attack the issues of wasted goods and pollution. Roosevelt would try to conserve many things like the burning of fossil fuels, the deforestation of our forest, and/or the use of pesticides. He would push for the conservation and environmental movement throughout the United States. He would fare with well in this time, today, by leading with the mentality of conserving our many diminishing