Achieving The American Dream Essay

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One’s ability to obtain the dream is a broad subject that is made up of many different factors. These components decipher one’s ability and likelihood of being able to successfully achieve the dream. Some of these factors, being old and new generations, greatly affect the view of the American dream and how it should be achieved. Other factors such as money and financial success also play a big role in one’s attainability of the dream. Different parties, such as Democrats and Republicans, views on the dream decipher how one can successfully achieve the dream. Many different ways of achieving the dream all require the pursuit of success and happiness in achieving it. However, some limitations can play a role in achieving it, such as perspective …show more content…

These social and moral ideas of what the dream means to each individual can create a wide variety of how one can truly achieve the dream. The socioeconomic status affecting their ability to obtain the American Dream will be addressed throughout the following paper by examining it being harder to achieve the dream today than in previous generations, money increasing one’s chances at achieving the dream, and Republicans and Democrats competing views of the achievability of the dream. While today’s generation can work to achieve the American Dream, it is harder to achieve the Dream today than it was in previous generations. This can be evidenced by the evolution of the dream and what different people view as achieving the dream. In the source “How rock ballads brought my father’s American Dream to life” Hua Hsu talks about his dad and how the evolution of music overtime relates and is similar to the evolution of the American Dream. “the idea that there would be a new innovation the following year; that there would always be some newer and better model. Para. -. 2)” In this quote Hsu describes the evolution of music and how it is constantly evolving and changing. He describes how each year it …show more content…

This can be evidenced by Republicans’ focus on America First and Democrats’ search for equal opportunity. In the source “Which way to take the American Dream: The US elections of 2008 and 2010 as a struggle for political ownership of the American Dream” Matthias Maass speaks on the two different parties and their clashing ideologies of the dream and how America as a whole can achieve it. “Both sides lay claim to the American Dream but do so from different perspectives, and are thus in fact reinterpreting the American Dream in partly competing ways (Para. 5)” This describes how both parties value the American Dream but do so from different viewpoints which can compete against each other in their ways of educating and how one can or should achieve the dream. Both sides demonstrate different values of the dream and make it hard for America to get on the same page for what the true American Dream is, and how we can achieve it. In the source “The original meanings of the American Dream and America First were starkly different from how we use them today” Anna Diamond talks about the split views of Americans during 2018 when the term “America First” started to take off. “You see people saying that a millionaire was a fundamentally un-American concept. It was seen as anti-democratic because it