Across The Universe By Juliextaymor

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There is always that one song we all have, that one song that takes us back to a time we wish we were. Inxthe movie “Across the Universe” by JuliexTaymor, a Beatlesxinspired musical, Taymor introduces the audience to the story of a young couple and Americanxideals in thex1960s. The 1960s werexa decade ofxrevolution, a change in politics, musicxand society around the world. ThexBeatles developed a new style of music which was a mix ofxrock n roll andxpop. Besidesxfromxdeveloping a new style of music the Beatles affected society inxmany ways: culturally, politically, and socially. In this paper, we will talk about the story of the movie, the characters and, how the songs fitted the story.

Across the Universe, is axfictionalxlove story set