Adam Smith Research Paper

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Adam Smith was born on the 16th of June 1723 in kirkcaldy scotland, Adam went to the university of glasgow where he studied moral philosophy under Francis Hutcheson. Later on he taught moral philosophy and the same school he attended where he wrote his first work The Theory of Moral Sentiments after that he moved on to tutoring and wrote his most famous work The Wealth of Nations which was published in 1776. On july 17th 1790 he died in edinburgh where he asked for anything not fit for publication to be destroyed.

Karl marx was born on May the 15th 1818 in Trier Prussia, Marx went to the university of Bonn for the first term but then his grades started slipping so his father forced him to go to the university of Berlin where he was forced to study law by his dad. Karl was always a part of a group involving things from communism and radical thinkers and was a big influence in all these groups and eventually became the reason for a lot of countries to be communism in the early 1980s. His most famous works include The Communist Manifesto and Capital. Marx Died on March 14th 1883 in london even after his death his partner Engles made two more editions of Capital. …show more content…

It is referred to a form of communism but at the same time it has evolved to the founding of modern economics. A Quote from Wealth of Nations is “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest”. What he is stating is that it is not of the interest of the different shops to satisfy the needs of people but rather for self prosperity of the owners of the