Admission Essay Sample

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The opportunity to be part of the Master’s of Arts: Integrated Studies Program is extremely exciting and motivates me to start as quickly as possible. This program will offer me a unique ability to be exposed to Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Many other programs do not have that luxury. Having been out of the post-secondary system for seven years, and through teaching that entire time, I have been able to pinpoint the topics that I am passionate about. It was crucial for me to not simply acquire my Master’s for the sake of having it, but instead wait until I was sure I knew the direction of where I wanted my life to go and could find a program that I would genuinely be enthusiastic about completing. Despite this program being comprehensive …show more content…

After my first year of teaching, I got involved with the Greater Victoria School District’s International Program. Every summer they run a program, called ‘Camp Victoria’, where students from around the world, with all different English language abilities, come to Victoria for two-eight week stays. Colleagues and I spend six days a week with them and teach them English in the mornings and in the afternoons provide a cultural experience for them. This comes in many forms such as playing sports with them, teaching them our country’s history, plant and animal identification, local customs, and field trips to the beach, downtown and other local sites. It is a wonderful program that puts me in contact with hundreds of new faces every summer. Despite being there to teach them, most of the time these students are teaching me. I get to learn their language, customs, songs, and games. It provides me a greater understanding and respect of different cultures that aid me back in the classroom during the school year. When I can greet certain students in their native tongue or refer to a celebrity from their home country it instantly builds a connection and level of trust between that student and I. Being part of ‘Camp Victoria’ put me on a path of further English Language Learner (ELL) education. I decided after my second year of teaching I …show more content…

I was one of the fortunate 75 attendees selected from around Canada. We were all brought to Ottawa for a week and were exposed to every facet of Parliament. We met parliamentarians, including the Speakers of the House and Senate. We heard from numerous parliamentary experts, lobbyists, members of parliament, senators and more. Most importantly we got to see Parliament in action. It was incredible! Being on the West Coast there is a disconnect between us and Ottawa, especially for youth. My experiences, stories, and resources have help bridge that gap. This program is going to expose me to a wealth of knowledge that will have a similar effect for myself and will also stimulate my students to a whole new level of appreciation and understanding of Global