The Importance Of ESOL And Literacy Teaching In London

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The importance of ESOL and literacy teaching in London cannot be understated. The capital is a cauldron of different cultures and languages (over three hundred ) and the mix of nationalities and people (3.2 million foreign-born in 2015 ) grows with each passing year. The city is ‘increasingly characterised by (its) superdiversity’ and, as such, ESOL caters to a wide range of people seeking to learn the English language and improve their literacy, (defined as ‘a range of skills that include reading, writing, speaking and listening in order to be able to understand, evaluate, use and engage with written texts’ .) As Simpson, Cooke and Baynham note, aside from ‘learners whose expert languages are not English’ those who enrol might also comprise …show more content…

For example, in 2010, Nick Clegg stated that ‘If they want to play by the rules, pay their taxes, speak English, that is a smart, fair, effective way of dealing with immigration .’ Evidently, all these things require some English literacy and the implications are seen in further politicised matters from the personal (taking the Life in the UK test) to the public, nation-changing (Brexit). ESOL provision is also caught in the complexities of these concerns with continued reviews of funding, provision, and purpose . Demographically, London is distinct from much of the rest of the UK and arguably serves as the nation’s cultural and economic heart. As a result, it is under particular scrutiny from the public, policy-makers and the media. Under such focus, I believe that the capital can serve as a potential example of how a multicultural society can thrive. Given the clear evidence showing the ways English literacy increases social cohesion and brings benefits to society at large, it is clear ESOL teaching in London is exceptionally important, particularly during this increasingly fragile, fragmented