
Adolf Hitler Research Paper

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Adolf Hitler was thought to resolve many of Germany’s problem. He was born April 20, 1889, and died April 30, 1945. The cause of death is considered to be suicide but many question this. He started to become powerful after World War One and after the Weimar Republic signed the treaty that put Germany at blame for the disaster of World War I. He was named chancellor, or leader, of Germany throughout 1933- 1945. Hitler was born in Austria but soon moved to Germany and became the leader of Nazi-Germany. He observed the military during the first world war and started getting known. Hitler is well known for being racist against Jewish citizens and his anti-semitic ideas. “The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness” (Mein Kampf, chapter 110). This shows how Hitler believed in Social Darwinism. He believed in an Inferior race that being Jewish and he used his rise of power to get rid of many of them. …show more content…

He used propaganda to get the message around to interest people to have more supporters. This made him more popular among the citizens and helped him gain more power than what he already had. After getting power in 1933 he sent out another message to the citizens about the Nazis and how it was only right to fight the enemies to protect Germany. This reassured the Germans into trusting him since he showed that he cares about the nation. He promised people that he would get jobs back and rebuilt the economy Germany had before the Treaty of Versaille. Once in power, he was determined to stay in power so he ruled with force and violence. “To achieve his goals, Hitler organized and efficient but brutal system of terror” (Ellis/Esler, pg. 451). This is saying that in order to stay in power, Hitler became harsh and ruled cruelly. Hitler was able to gain power with promises and he stayed in power with force and

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