Adolf Hitler Research Paper

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Adolf Hitler is known for being one of the most notorious dictators in history. He was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany, and his dictatorship lead to the deaths of millions of people, which is known today as the Holocaust. Hitler’s questionable actions were a result of his traumatic childhood experiences. He was born to Alois and Klara on Easter Sunday in 1889 in Braunau Austria. He had five other siblings, however his three older siblings past away before his birth (4). At the age of three, Hitler moved with his family to Germany where he had many experiences that lead him to later become a dictator. Hitler was a very bright child and was loved by his teachers for his achievements and proper behavior (2,4). As he continued his education, …show more content…

She was a loving and caring mother, and always gave Hitler what he wanted since her older children had died. Hitler received all his support and love from his mother, so he was really attached to her. His mother died on December 21, 1907 due to breast cancer, and because of their close relationship, Hitler was shattered after this great loss. Hitler became extremely depressed, and when Dr. Block arrived to sign the death certificate, he later stated that “he had never seen anyone so overcome with grief as Adolf Hitler at the loss of his mother” (6). His mother was the one who was giving him all the support and love, and she was the one who kept him going. She was the light in his life, so this loss led him towards a dark …show more content…

Kubizek Hitler's friend from Linz also moved to Vienna and stayed together. Hitler had a lazy lifestyle in Vienna the same lifestyle that he enjoyed in Linz. Hitler’s friend described hitler as a night owl, that slept till noon and stayed up at night discussing his ideas. Hitler did not care for a job to support his necessities, he considered himself above that. Hitler would dress himself as an artist in the day and would dress himself as a young gentleman in the evening. Hitler would frequently attend the Opera. Hitler has an increasingly unstable temperament. Hitler dislikes being corrected on anything quickly gets angered. Hitler has multiple fascinating ideas but never gets started. He would start to work really hard but eventually loses interest. Hitler tried to obtain admission to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in October 1908. However his exam drawings were so substandard that he could not even qualify for the formal exam. Hitler was so disappointed that he was not accepted in at the community in Vienna. Hitler’s friend was successfully accepted to the Vienna Conservatory and devoted time and attention acquiring