Hitler is most commonly known for the unforgivable deeds that he committed in his lifetime. Those acts were terrible and left a scar on the world that can never be mended. However, Hitler did possess extreme brilliance. He was innovative and smart, he was originally a young man who moved to Vienna to become an artist, but his dreams changed to something completely different. (more and citation)
In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich, Germany, where the Austrian Army called him for a physical examination and was found unfit for service, (citation) but Hitler volunteered immediately to become a messenger and was accepted. He was in the Western front for the majority of the war, taking part in some of the most gruesome battles. He had a few near death experiences, which convinced him that he was part of some bigger purpose in life. (more and citation)
Hitler returned to Munich following his recovery from the blindness caused by the mustard gas and served in the army until March 1920. In the fall of 1919, he began to attend meetings of a small nationalist group called the German Workers’ Party, which he joined. When he was part of it, he renamed it the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the group soon became known as the Nazi party.
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Following his release from prison,Hitler began to rebuild his party and got the ban on the Nazi party lifted by gradually convincing the government that the party would not act illegally again. In small towns,labor unions, among farmers, and a few business people and industrialists, Hitler won people over. He set up an elite party guard, the Schutzstaffel, known as the SS. By 1929 the Nazis had made an important minority party, regardless of the fact that they had not yet gained significant voter support. By this time, Hitler had assembled some of the people who would help him rise to power. (more and