
Adolf Hitler's Principle Essay

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Between the times of 1919 and 1939, Adolf Hitler used forceful policies and significant events to gain authority over the great yet failing German society. This essay, reviews the Fuehrers Principle Foreign Policy and Hitler’s Nuremburg laws. These policies, concentrate on how Hitler gained and held authority over the German Populace. This essay seeks to investigate the impact of how Adolf Hitler gained authority in relation to the Fuhrer Principle, his Foreign Policy and the Nuremburg Laws.

The Fuehrer Principle was a policy telling German citizens to put all their trust into Adolf Hitler. The sentence “Hitler is Germany and Germany is Hitler” was the simple statement of propaganda used by Rudolf Hess to place all of Germany’s power and control …show more content…

The aim of this infamous policy was to; destroy the treaty of Versailles, unite all German speakers together and finally to expand eastwards (Tonge, 2016). Hitler wrote his Polices in his novel the Mein Kampf during WW1 where he was in prison (Hitler, 1924). The end goal was to have a more superior German nation and to have all fluent German speakers back within the Reich. After the policy was through the Germans left the League of Nations, started swift rearmament, contracted a nonviolence deal with Poland, finally remilitarized, and reacquired both the Saar and the Rhineland. The Germans at this time began building alliances with Italy and Japan by signing a pact of steel agreement. After signing a German-soviet nonaggression pact on August 1939, Hitler began his invasion of Poland on September 1st 1939. When Britain and France, Poland’s allies, discovered Hitler’s plans, they then declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939, resulting in the eruption of WW2. With the pressure of war on other countries and the use of acquiring lost lands, Hitler earned the faith and hope of his German citizens. The essence of Hitler’s Foreign Policy was very similar to that of his Nuremburg laws which both put an end to past leaders

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